The Laboratory is equipped with Zeiss/LEO Supra VP55 Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) with a field emission electron gun (FEG), Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscope (EDS), SPI Sputter Coater (Sputter Module #11430, Carbon Coater Module #11428, Vacuum Control Base Module 110V #11425-AB) and the SEM sample preparation area.
- Resolution: 0.1nm at 15kV, 1.7nm at 1kV (HV), 2.0nm at 30kV (VP)
- Accelerating voltage: 100V to 30kV
- Six beam defining apertures
- Secondary electron (SE) detector
- Variable pressure secondary electron (VPSE) detector for VP mode
- Scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) detector
- 4 Quadrant solid state back scattered electron (BSE) detector
- CCD camera with IP illumination
- X-ray and external scan input panel
- Microsoft Windows 2000 operating system and LEO32 software for total system control
- UltraDry Series EDS Detector with NORVAR light element window
- NORAN System 7 Spectral Imaging System Ver.2 for image acquisition and analytical software package
- COMPASS software for the automatic analysis of spectral imaging files collected with the NORAN System 7 Spectral Imaging System
- Spectral Match software for least squares fitting and matching of spectra to spectral database
- Digital imaging interface for electron microscope
- Microscope Column Communication software
- Microsoft Windows 7 operating system
SPI Sputter Coater
- Sputter Module #11430
- Carbon Coater Module #11428
- Vacuum Control Base Module 110V #11425-AB