
Grant acknowledgement

The Zeiss/LEO Supra VP55 Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) was funded by NSF award DMR-0210806 to Prof. Robert J. Hamers, and the Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscope (EDS) was contributed from Prof. Kyoung-Shin Choi and Prof. Shannon Stahl. The instruments were generously shared to the users of the Department of Chemistry.

The SPI Sputter Coater was funded by NSF award DMR-0210806 to Prof. Robert J. Hamers and was generously shared to the users of the Department of Chemistry.


Charges and Fees

Users acquiring data themselves are charged an hourly fee.



The SEM facility access is currently limited to the members of the Department of Chemistry.


User responsibilities

The users are expected to follow the rules listed here. Failure to do so will result in the loss of the privilege to access the SEM laboratory.

  • Follow instructions and rules: It is all the users’ responsibility to follow the instruction of the SEM lab manager and the rules of the SEM lab.
  • Operate properly: All the users must operate the SEM by the correct procedures. If you are unsure, always contact the SEM lab manager for assistance.
  • Logbook: All the users must record their activities correctly in the logbook.